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YouTube Channel Launch

I’m very happy to announce that I uploaded my first YouTube video to the brand new Sara’s Craft Corner YouTube channel.

I’m starting my YouTube channel with a basic introduction video. I figured one of the best ways to really get into the blogging and vlogging spirit is to actually let people get to know me. I have some information on my history of crafting, as well as my reasoning for starting this blog and YouTube. You can watch the video here.

I had been contemplating for months on starting a YouTube channel and wasn’t quite sure if I wanted to. However, working on my latest pattern, I realized that it would really be helpful to explain some of the techniques in video in addition to having things written out on my blog. While right now it’s primarily focused on education, I may include some of the projects I’m working on and other typical craft blog focused material. This blog will still be one of the primary sources of announcements, tutorials, and craft blog goodness.

If you’re on YouTube and like my content here, please consider helping to get it started and subscribing to my channel. I’d really appreciate it.

Happy crafting!

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